Introduction and Purpose
Huntersville United Methodist Church (HUMC) is committed to the use of all its facilities and buildings as a vital part of its overall mission to open the door, make room at the table, and create spaces to foster lasting relationships with Jesus Christ. We want our facilities to be used to the fullest extent possible for worship, celebration, fellowship, recreation, education and service to all. It is our intent that the use of our facilities be inclusive of community organizations and institutions in their efforts to nurture and minister to groups and to individuals in Christian love.
The spiritual ministry and mission of the church will always be the first and foremost consideration when requests are made for using the church buildings, fields, and grounds. While it is the Church’s desire to share its facilities within reasonable and established limits, HUMC ministries and worship services will always be the first and foremost priority.
This policy is in reference to the proper use and care of the indoor facilities/ buildings of HUMC and outdoor field/ground use. The Book of Discipline of the United Methodist Church takes precedence over any rule or guideline in this policy that may conflict in any way. Trustees of HUMC are overseers of the policy.
General Policy
Use of any of the HUMC facilities and equipment will be at the risk of the user. HUMC does not assume any liability or responsibility for injury to a user of the facility or equipment. Furthermore, HUMC does not make any implicit or explicit warranty of the premises, equipment, machinery, fixtures or furniture. All groups must finish activities and vacate the building by 9:30 pm.
For the safety, security and the protection of our facility and equipment, our campus is under surveillance.
Reservation Request Process
The HUMC Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for usage and maintenance of all church facilities. The buildings and grounds are for the use of church members and approved guests/groups. No trespassing and/or use of buildings without the expressed written permission of HUMC.
As a community service and as a part of HUMC’s ministry programs the church may authorize a group or groups to use the buildings, either for a single use or a recurring basis. HUMC reserves the right to approve/deny any group for any reason at any time.
The first priority for use of buildings and grounds shall be given to worship, ministry groups and organizations that are an integral part of the ministry and mission of HUMC. Funeral services for members and their families will be a top priority. This may necessitate a room change. We will make every effort to accommodate scheduled events.
Requests for the use of facilities and or fields require a completed and signed FACILITY USE APPLICATION. This application can be found on our website: www.humconline.org or in the church office. Requests will not be considered until the proper documentation has been completed.​
The church office can guide you with the available rooms/spaces to be sure we can accommodate your event. Note that there may be other groups that have reserved space and may be using other sections of the building at the same time as your event.
In most cases, your request will be reviewed within 5 business days and you will be notified by email or telephone. The Trustees may request to review/approve any application.
​Complete the application and submit online or turn it into the church office.
Groups may be required to pay a usage fee to the church for use of the buildings to cover the costs associated with rooms (utilities, insurance, wear and tear, etc.) Recurring event fees can be negotiated. HUMC reserves the right to change the fees charged for the use of its facilities at any time to make sure we are covering the expenses of operating the building.
HUMC reserves the right to cancel any further usage of the building by a group at any time, even if that group had been previously approved to use the building in the future. If any fees have been paid, the fees may be returned on a prorated basis for the amount of time that was not used, at HUMC’s discretion.
Appropriate Use of Facilities
The designated contact person (group contact) shall be:
​Present at all times during the event
Responsible for any damage
Ensure compliance with this policy
Groups using the facilities should remain ONLY in the rooms that have been reserved/scheduled for use and shall treat the property with respect and dignity keeping the property in as-found or better condition. ​
Office equipment will not be used without the permission of staff/Trustees.
Audio Visual equipment and/or soundboard will not be used without written permission of the Tech Team, Music Director or Business Manager.
There will be NO smoking or use of any tobacco products allowed inside HUMC buildings .
There will be no alcoholic beverages, illegal drugs or controlled substances allowed on HUMC property.
No fighting or weapons will be permitted on church property.
Shoes and shirts must be worn at all times in the facilities.
Doors CANNOT be propped open for safety and security reasons.
No pets will be allowed in church buildings, other than service animals.
No loitering will be allowed on the premises.
No HUMC sporting equipment is to leave the Multi-Purpose Worship Center.
It is the responsibility of the group to be good stewards of our facilities and leave all facilities clean and neat. The person making the reservation will be held responsible for seeing that the facilities used are clean and left in the same condition as it was prior to its use. Additional cleaning charges may apply if the facility is not cleaned after activity use.
If the use of the kitchen is needed, this MUST be marked on the FACILITY USE APPLICATION and the Kitchen Management Agreement completed. The Kitchen Checklist must be completed at the end of the event.
Any activity scheduled for church property must be properly supervised. There must be a responsible adult on the premises with an adult group at all times. Two or more responsible adults must accompany all children or youth groups at all times in accordance with the Safe Sanctuary policy of HUMC.
Children must be supervised by a responsible adult at all times – children are not permitted to roam freely on church property. All groups using the facility must adhere to proper adult-child ratios, according to the Safe Sanctuaries Policy. All supervising adults must undergo Safe Sanctuary Training per HUMC’s policy.
At no time should any child be left unattended or unsupervised.
Decorations and displays must be limited to the inside of the building and attached only to tables, bulletin boards, or easels or must be free standing. No decorations or displays may be attached in any manner to walls, ceilings, doors or other permanent parts of any building. All must be removed at end of the event.
Sale of merchandise on church property is strictly prohibited, unless approved in advance by the HUMC Finance Committee in writing.
Each group will:
Use only the space and equipment specified on their application.
Prevent its members and guests from going into closets or other rooms without permission.
Release the church, its members and employees from any and all claims, demands, actions, losses or expenses of any kind arising from the use of church facilities or equipment or by church members or employees.
Reimburse the church for full replacement or repair of any and all damage or loss to its facilities, equipment or property arising from use by the group.
At the end of the scheduled event, a FACILITY USE CHECKLIST should be completed and placed in the Checklist drop box in the workroom (located on ‘Staff Street’). All damages or items needing repair should be reported to the church office immediately.
Parking Lot
Any organization requesting the use of parking areas for special events must complete a FACILITY USE APPLICATION.
ï‚· HUMC will not be responsible for the security of any person, vehicle or property of those using the parking spaces.
ï‚· Any abandoned vehicles will be towed at owner’s expense.
NO overnight parking allowed without written permission from HUMC Staff/Trustees.
Vehicles parking in a FIRE ZONE will be towed at the owner’s expense without warning.
Security and Fire Procedures
Should the FIRE ALARM sound, ALL PERSONS must evacuate the building, immediately. Move to the furthest outside parking areas to allow emergency vehicles a clear path to the buildings. The Fire Department is automatically called and only the Fire Chief may declare the building safe to re-enter.
Should a medical emergency occur, IMMEDIATELY call 911.
Members of HUMC Audiovisual Tech Team are the only persons authorized to set-up and provide audio visual needs. There may be a fee for the set up and use of equipment. Be sure to appropriately mark this request on the FACILITY USE APPLICATION.
All groups reserving the kitchen should be trained and complete a Kitchen Checklist Form. The policies on this form and on display in the kitchen WILL be followed – WITHOUT EXCEPTION – by all who use it.
HUMC Mailing Address:
PO BOX 378
Huntersville, NC 28070
HUMC Physical Address
14005 Stumptown Road
Huntersville, NC 28078
PHONE: 704-875-1156